School Uniform
There is a school uniform which looks smart, wears well and contributes to the feeling of belonging to the school. It is not compulsory but we would strongly encourage children to wear it. School colours are maroon, gold & yellow. Please do ensure that all clothing is named. Below you will find a list of the suggested items required. The items of school uniform which are specific to our school are available to purchase online at

EYFS & Key Stage 1 (4-7 Years Old)
- Grey trousers, long or short, grey skirt, pinafore, smart tailored trousers or culottes
- White polo shirt (White with school logo)
- Rowledge maroon cardiagn or sweatshirt
- Option of yellow and white summer dress (weather dependent)
Key Stage 2 (7-11 Years Old)
- Grey trousers, long or short, grey skirt, pinafore or culottes
- White shirt
- School Tie
- Rowledge maroon cardigan or sweatshirt
- Option of yellow and white summer dress (weather dependent)
- Plimsolls or trainers
- Gold polo shirt with school logo
- Maroon shorts
- Spare socks (long enough to take a shinpad when playing football or hockey in KS2)
- Option of school winter PE kit (Jogging bottoms and training tops with school logo)
Please send PE kit into school in a suitable draw-string bag.
A winter PE kit is advisable for outdoor games e.g. jogging trousers and a suitable sweatshirt. All KS2 children will need trainers or football boots for games lessons, and shin guards for hockey and football.
We now have a new school branded winter PE available to purchase from our suppliers: