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Rowledge CE Primary School  HOME-SCHOOL AGREEMENT


Rowledge CE Primary School is committed to offering a primary education of the highest quality to each child.  The school deliberately sets out to create the right environment for all pupils, to allow them to develop in the way and at the pace appropriate to them.  As a controlled Church of England School, we aim to foster a true and lifelong desire to learn by presenting them with a wide and challenging curriculum set firmly within the guiding principles of Christian values.

Rowledge CE Primary School will provide a context within which a strong home-school partnership can be fostered, enabling children to be happy and successful.  We will work to ensure that our children transfer from class to class, and finally on to secondary education with competence, confidence and well-developed skills in communication and social interaction.

We will constantly review our objectives and our achievements, and we will always strive to improve.


The School

We will:

Provide a primary education of the highest quality for each child, and to value their achievements.

Develop in each child positive values and a caring attitude towards the school community and the  environment.

Treat children with respect and understanding.

Welcome parents into the school to discuss effectively a child’s progress and welfare.

Provide opportunities for consultation between parents and teachers, and to write an annual record of achievement.

Set and monitor homework appropriate to each year group.

Provide a range of extra curricular activities for interested children.

Follow Safeguarding and Child Protection guidance (e.g. e-Safety, recruitment).


The Parents

I/We will:

See that my child attends school regularly, on time, and properly equipped for all sessions, and is collected promptly at the end of the day.

Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.

Support the school’s policies as given in the school’s prospectus and on the school website, e.g. behaviour.

Support my child’s homework and other opportunities for home learning, and to attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.

Ensure my child wears school uniform and sensible footwear – this includes appropriate PE kit (no nail varnish or tattoos to be worn during school hours, and the only jewellery that we allow are small stud ear rings).

Ensure absence from school for medical reasons is confirmed on the first day and a written note accompanies the child on return to school if the absence is longer than one day.  All other absences should be agreed in advance with the Headteacher.  Family holidays must be taken during school holidays.

Ensure that my child is in bed at a suitable time so that they can awake in the morning refreshed and ready for learning.


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