Partnerships - both locally and around the world

Pambogo Primary School, Tanzania
We have been partners with Pambogo Primary School since November 2006, when our former head teacher, Mr Catchpole, visited Mbeya in Tanzania with Grassroots, a Rowledge based charity.
Do follow the link above to find out about the wonderful work that Grassroots do all over the world. For example, they run a highly effective child-sponsorship scheme that involves children from our partner school, Pambogo Primary.
Since the first visit in 2006 we have swapped work with the Pambogo children, helped part fund a canteen as well as the exchanging of photographs and letters.

St.James' Church, Rowledge
Our school was established by the church way back in the 1870s, and this link is as important today as it was back then.
The Reverend Russ Gant, and ministry team, work in close partnership with the school. They are regular visitors and well known to the whole school community. We enjoy their support in delivering collective worship, aspects of our RE curriculum and pastoral support of our staff.
The children make regular visits to the church, celebrating key Christian festivals within the beautiful St James Church.

CHIKS, India
Chiks – that’s Children’s Homes in Kerala State – was founded and is run by Robin Radley, who lives in Rowledge. He is a former editor of the Herald group of newspapers and a director of the Treloar Trust, responsible for the Treloar School and College for disabled students.
Every year we raise money towards this charity’s wonderful work, and it is always a pleasure to have Robin visit us, as he has done over many years – long before Chiks was established. But since the 1990s he has brought to the children enthralling tales of life in India.
Chiks provides for some of the most needy boys and girls, from those rescued from the streets and railways to children who need to have a break from family disputes, almost always as a result of poverty.
Click here to be redirected to Chiks' website.