Our vision for education is deeply Christian, with Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness' at its heart.
In line with the Church of England's role as the established Church, our vision is for the common good of the whole community.
Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.
Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.
Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.
Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth.
At Rowledge C of E Primary School we seek to live well together, as an inclusive and nurturing community, to ensure achievement for all.
Living well together –
Jesus taught that we “should always do to others as we would have them do to us” (Matthew 7: 12). We believe this is at the core of what it means to ‘live well together.’ We seek to live this out day by day through our school values of kindness, honesty and respect.
An inclusive and nurturing community –
We are made in the image of a God of community, Father, Son and Spirit living in perfect harmony. This is our model of loving community. Jesus shows us what it means to welcome, and nurture all people, seeing the best in everyone. As He did, so we too are truly inclusive, regardless of background, ability, or belief.
Achievement for all –
We will consistently do all we can to ensure every member of our school thrives academically. We also know that there is much more to achieving a full life. Jesus said, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” (John 15: 5). Human achievement is also about being ‘fruitful’ and the Bible tells us that ‘good fruit’ in our lives is “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 2: 22-23).
Jesus showed us how to live well together through kindness, honesty and respect.
Our Christian values enable us to provide a rich and inclusive education where every member of our school family can flourish.
Kindness: "Be kind and gentle to each another, forgiving one another as quickly as God, in Christ, has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
Honesty:“…we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ” Ephesians 4:15
Respect: "In everything, treat others as you would like them to treat you, this sums up God’s laws.” Matthew 7: 12

The school has a very close relationship to our parish church, St James' Church, Rowledge. The school vicar Revd. Russ Gant, Youth Minister Adele Regan and Children's ministry student Beth Mead work in partnership with the school by holding collective worship, supporting the RE curriculum and running after school clubs.
The whole school visit the church for collective worships termly, as well as the church hosting special events in the school calendar.
Along side our partnership with St James' Church, Rowledge welcomes members of the Farnham Signposts team several times a year to mark events in the Christian calendar. Alongside Christmas and Easter performances, the team have supported 'pause days' and workshops.
We also work closely with David Betts, a member of the Chaplaincy Team at Methodist Church Forces Board based at Aldershot Garrison. David hosts uniquely creative collective worship to share his ministry with the school.
Here at Rowledge C of E Primary, we are proud supporters of a range of charities. We work in partnership to promote, fundraise and support both local and global charities.
Our most noteable partnership is with Grassroots, a charity based in Rowledge, who work supporting the community of our global partner school Pambogo Primary in Tanzania. We are proud that a wide proportion of our school community have chosen to support their work by sponsoring children from Pambogo Primary, and helping to fund their education and development.
Alongside this, we hold annual events in partnership with Phyllis Tuckwell to support the work of the hospice. We take part in the annual Reindeer Run as part of a fundraising effort that spans 41 local schools.
As a school that places a high priority on our pupils social development, we take our responsibility to promote community cohesion, generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously.
As a Voluntary Controlled Hampshire State School, we follow The Living Difference III Curriculum
We have worked with Hampshire to create half termly planning that reflects the curriculum requirement, and our own ethos. Long term overviews of the RE curriculum can be viewed below, and more detailed Medium Term planning is available if requested through the school office.
We are proud to have the benefit of a cycle of SIAMS reporting and improvement.
Our most recent SIAMS report can be found here.