Rowledge school is extremely proud of the academic performance of pupils in all areas of the curriculum. We recognise that the development of academic excellence is one vital part of the development of the whole child. As well as celebrating the success of our pupils in results tables, do explore the website to see how this is echoed in the celebration of personal, sporting and social achievements. Below is a summary of our most recent results (unvalidated) for key year groups and a comparison of our performance against county and national benchmarks.
Our schools performance can be further explored in the performance tables published by the Department for Education. Please click here to be redicted to the Department for Education's website.
Our published data below includes data up to 2019, the last time statutory assessment data was collected, and then a gap in performance between national data collection. We continued assessing pupils throughout this time, and we were proud of their outcomes. Visual representations of published performance data can be seen below.

The school is proud of the performance of our Early Years Foundation Stage. The percentage of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development continually sits above Local and National benchmarks.

Reading is regognised as a strength of the school at all levels. This is reflected in the performance of pupils taking the statutory Phonics Screening assessment at the end of Year One. Pupils that have not met the threshold resit the screening at the end of year two.

The performance of pupils at the end of Key Stage 1 is above local and national benchmarks. In 2022, a cohort with a higher than average pupils with SEND needs meant that some pupils did not meet the age related expectations - but we are proud of the progress for every pupil in our school.

The performance of pupils in the Statutory Assessments at the end of Key Stage Two have historically been a proud strength of the school, with the percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard high above national and local benchmarks. The school has set priorities within its strategic plan to support children to word at a higher attaining level across the three disciplines assessed.

Data relating to a school's performance may be found in performance tables published by the Department for Education, please click on the link above to be redirected to the Department for Education's website.