At Rowledge C of E Primary School, our pupils will learn that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which to develop a love of music and develop their talent as musicians, and in turn increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. We work with partners from the Listen2Me scheme at Hampshire to enable all children to experience learning a range of instruments during their primary curriculum.
We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music across different time periods, cultures and traditions. This supports children to understand the cultural capital of being open minded in their listening as well as knowledgeable about a breadth of musical genres in the world today. The children learn to appreciate how music supports other areas of the curriculum such as dance and drama.
The curriculum champion for Music is Miss Lucy Chapple. To find out more about how Rowledge delivers this subject please contact her using the following email address:
Our overview for the planning and delivery of Music at Rowledge is led by the statutory, National Curriculum guidance and the relevant programmes of study for each year group.
These can be accessed below:
We have aligned a progression of skills and knowledge with the programmes of study for each year group.
The documents below outline this progression and is used when assessing the ongoing progress of pupils.
We regularly conference pupils to gain an awareness of their attitudes to a range of curriculum subjects. Below is a sample of thoughts from a range of pupils about how they feel about the Music curriculum at Rowledge.
"We have music in the classroom that is really fun.
We are learning lots of different songs and learning all about beats."
"In Year 4 we get to learn the violin, ukelele and the drums.
We have special teachers that teach the instruments and they help explain it in a really fun way.
I love to sing in collective worship"
"We love to sing in class. Our teacher makes the learning fun.
We also get to learn instruments and be in the choir too which is great."
Below are our Year Group overviews which provide a sense of the curriculum experience children will recieve in each year group. We recognise that each cohort are individuals and promote flexibility in themes to meet the required subject objectives. You can see the range of computing concepts taught across the school by reviewing these documents.