Year 3

Below are some links to websites that can help you with your learning whilst having fun.
Reading at Home:
Oxford Owl - Online e-books & quizzes
ICT Games - Literacy games online
Teach Monster Reading for Fun - from DfE approved app developer.
Kindle Books - Top 100 free kindle books
Maths at Home
Mathletics (please contact your class teacher if you cannot find your login)
White Rose Maths Home Learning
BBC Supermovers - Active Maths
Times Table Rockstars - Please contact your class teacher if you would like to have access to this times table resource.
Lessons and games across the curriculum:
Topic Activities:
Pre-Historic Britain -
Stone Age Hunter Gatherers- BBC Bitesize Interactive resource
Neolithic Life- Virtual tour of Skara Brae
Invaders & Settlers -
Horrible Histories - BBC Horrible Histories Gruesome Game-a-thon
Life In Celtic Britain - BBC Video Resource
Rotten Romans -
A Day in Pompeii- Stereoscopic Video Resource
Habitats and Micro Habitats- Match the habitat Game