We had some requests from some parents to have the option of increased homework tasks to help the children prepare for secondary expectations.
We are aware that some families would rather stick to the usual amount of homework set for the children's last term of primary.
As a result, we have collated a range of printable workbooks, resources and links that could be used to supplement the weekly class homework. These can be found below.
You will also see an image of a possible timetable to help organise some of the activities below into weekly sessions.
Please do as little, or as much as you feel works for you and your family.
Download and print these workbooks, or complete online using smallpdf.com
Download and print these workbooks, or complete online using smallpdf.com
There are three great benefits of journaling:
- Help Your Child Deal With Big Feelings.
- Journaling builds writing skills
- Enhance Your Child's Communication Skills.
SCIENCE - There are some great science units on the BBC Bitesize lessons area to revise any aspect of the science curriculum. Click here to access them.
SPAG - There will be optional weekly SPAG units set on spag.com for Year 6 to access with their logins.
MATHS - Live Mathletics (level 4 or higher) and TimesTable Rockstars are proven ways to improve mental fluency and speed in maths.
READING - Your child has a login to readtheory, an online platform for short reading tasks that develop comprehension and inference skills.
QUIZZES - We have quizes linked to the year 6 maths curriculum that can be accessed through DiagnosticQurstions. Your child has been provided with an individual login.