Welcome to Rowledge C of E Primary School - Achievement for ALL (through irresistible learning)
We are a one form entry village school situated on the Surrey/Hampshire border and teach children aged from 4-11. We place high priority on well being, memory making and irresistible learning opportunities. We promote children’s development spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, whilst challenging them to become successful academically.
Our curriculum is rich and varied to support every child in becoming a confident and independent learner. Our staff are highly experienced in teaching and learning as well as being full of fun!
Our school is committed to offering the highest quality learning experience to every child. As a Church of England school at the heart of Rowledge village community, we set out to promote and nurture Christian and moral values within a happy environment where everyone feels valued and secure. Our core values are kindness, honesty and respect.
We have high expectations of all members of the school community in all aspects of their school life, continually reviewing our objectives, celebrating our achievements and always striving to improve.
If you are considering our school for your child please click here to be directed to our Prospective Parent Information Page.

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies are available on the 'Policies' section of this website. Our Designated Safeguard Lead is Sarah Oliver - Headteacher. Our Deputy Designated Safeguard Leads is Katie Irvine. Our Safeguarding Governor is Tracey Armstrong. The staff lead for looked after children is Sarah Oliver and the governor responsible for Children In Care is Tracey Armstrong.
Our whole school community were asked about their values and beliefs. These were collated into a word cloud so that we could visualise them. We are proud of our Christian Values
In the Bible Jesus demonstrates that kindness leads to godliness, and therefore love.
In the Bible, many of the verses contain the word integrity. It is important that we live by the word of God and being honest is one of the most important things to follow.
Jesus respected all others, regardless of their race, intellect, wealth, health etc. He was hospitable and promoted inclusion through respect.
Regardless of their religious orientation, we want our children to walk the path of kindness, honesty and respect.

Follow us @rowledgeschool