Families can find HAF provision at Family Information and Services Hub | Holiday Activities and Food Programme (hants.gov.uk)
Support for families videos:
Support for Families in Hampshire: Full video https://youtu.be/6Ab2pNhy3As
Support for Families in Hampshire: Finding Services https://youtu.be/61R7C9hgCrU
Support for Families in Hampshire: Childcare Costs https://youtu.be/ni4gTiKRCHY
Support for Families in Hampshire: Feeding the Family https://youtu.be/4rMajcF8zIY
Support for Families in Hampshire: Children's Wellbeing https://youtu.be/_Y7L3S6xiSw
Resources for parents to support Your child's learning
Below you will find some resources to assist you with your child's learning. These resources are aimed at helping you to understand how we teach certain subjects, so that you can support your child with their learning at home. Should you wish to know more about the curriculum, please click here to be redirected to our curriculum page.
If you're looking for information relating to policies please click here to be redirected to the governance and policies page of the website.
Times tables and spellings
Does your child have additional needs?
The website below is a fantastic resource for parents of children who have any additional needs. There are many services available to familes, even if your child doesn't have a diagnosis of need.
British Values
Home School Agreement
For more information on keeping your children safe online please look at the head teacher's recommended links

Phonic Guidance FoR PARENTS
In line with our curriculum policies the school teaches early reading and spelling patterns using synthetic phonics. The Letter and Sounds programme used throughout the school allows children to hear language in it's basic single sounds and relate them to the graphemes we use in reading and writing.
This is something that we are aware may need some subject knowledge to reinforce at home and so the above is a video demonstrating exemplar phonics pronounciation. These sounds will be used by the children when reading and spelling and can be used by adults to help them in decoding and building words.
Year R teacher, Miss Awford, has also created a phonics channel on YouTube that demonstrates the correct pronounciation of each sound: Miss Awford's Phonics Channel
For more information about the Letters and Sounds programme please visit this webpage or book an appointment to speak to any of the teaching staff.
Parents information evening documents
Behaviour Management in School
All behaviour is form of communication from a child. Children are not born with the intention of being challenging. The two powerpoint decks above (which are from training the staff received at an inset day) focus on behaviour management. They are useful resources for parents as well as teaching staff, as a joined up approach, between home and school, is necessary to deal with any issues concerning behaviour.