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Achievement for all through happiness, well-being and irresistible learning.

When planning the curriculum, Rowledge C of E Primary School has considered our children’s future and current needs in an ever-changing fast paced world where resilience is vital.

We believe that well-being, including all aspects of safeguarding, is paramount to success. Our aim is to support children through their learning journeys, building self-esteem, confidence and motivation, in order that children believe in themselves, aim high and experience success. Our learning opportunities are irresistible and inspiring to promote enquiry, curiosity, independence and an enthusiastic thirst for knowledge. Our values of kindness, honesty and respect are weaved through our curriculum, demonstrating Christianly distinct learning through compassion

Every topic is designed to enthuse the children and capture their imagination, with ‘hooks’, and awe and wonder. Wow events and trips enrich topics and involve parents in children’s learning.

As part of the school's ongoing commitment to inclusion our curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of Equality Act 2010Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2024 and we work to meet the individual needs for those with disabilities or special educational needs and ensure the curriculum is accessible for all.

To find out any more about any aspect of the school curriculum please contact the school office using the email address admin@rowledge.hants.sch.uk 



Below are our Year Group overviews which provide a sense of the curriculum experience children will recieve in each year group.  We recognise that each cohort are individuals and promote flexibility in themes to meet the required subject objectives.


We follow National Curriculum programmes of study for each of our curriculum subjects.  These underpin our subject development, coverage and delivery of subjects across the curriculum.  Copies of the PoS for each subject are provided below.

Curriculum CHAMPIONS

At Rowledge we have Curriculum Champions who are passionate about each of the subjects we teach.  They champion their subjects and help drive the ongoing strategic development of their subject within the school curriculum.

Art and Design - Jen Hodgson-Hutton

Computing - Linsay Beaver

Design & Technology - Emily Tongeman

English - Linsay Beaver & Deana Holmes

Geography - Kate Fasham

History - Katie Irvine

Maths - Nic Earl & Joe Yates

Music - Lucy Chapple

MFL - Charlotte Doorenbos

PE - Sue Jones

RE - Sarah Oliver

PSHE & RSE - Jane Williams

Science - Deana Holmes



As a school that places a high priority on our pupils social development, we take our responsibility to promote community cohesion, generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously.

Our challenging curriculum encourages pupils to reflect upon their role as emerging citizens. 

In addition, the school promotes British values through:

  • A school council whose members take part in hustings and voting processes
  • A geography curriculum that covers global citizenship
  • A religious education (RE) curriculum that teaches about the beliefs and practices of all major religious groups


As a school that places a high priority on our pupils social development, we take our responsibility to promote community cohesion, generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously.

As a Voluntary Controlled Hampshire State School, we follow The Living Difference III Curriculum

We have worked with Hampshire to create half termly planning that reflects the curriculum requirement, and our own ethos.  Long term overviews of the RE curriculum can be viewed below, and more detailed Medium Term planning is available if requested through the school office.

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