At the heart of our science curriculum is scientific investigation. Wherever possible we intend to deliver lessons where children learn through varied systematic investigations, leading to them being equipped for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them.
The progression of skills for working scientifically are developed through the year groups and scientific enquiry skills are of key importance within lessons.
The successful approach to the teaching of science at Rowledge results in a fun and engaging science education, that provides children with the foundations for understanding the world that they can take with them once they complete their primary education.

The curriculum champion for Science is Mrs Deana Holmes. To find out more about how Rowledge delivers this subject please contact her using the following email address:
Our overview for the planning and delivery of Science at Rowledge is led by the statutory, National Curriculum guidance and the relevant programmes of study for each yeargroup.
These can be accessed below:
We have aligned a progression of skills and knowledge with the programmes of study for each year group.
The documents below outline this progression and is used when assessing the ongoing progress of pupils.
We regularly conference pupils to gain an awareness of their attitudes to a range of curriculum subjects. Below is a sample of thoughts from a range of pupils about how they feel about the Science curriculum at Rowledge.
"Science is fun because you get to use different equipment which I really like.
Recently, we tested the absorbancy of different materials to find out which would have been best to help clean up after the Great Fire of London."
"I am really passionate about Science. I am interested in time and gravitational pulls in black holes!
We recently used ramps to measure the speed of different objects falling and their resistance."
"I really like Science, it is interesting! I really like to do experiments. We also use the internet to help us deepen our understanding. I like that there are different ways of recording in Science.
Right now we are doing space. We recently used different fruit to represent the size and distances between the planets. "
Below are our Year Group overviews which provide a sense of the curriculum experience children will recieve in each year group. We recognise that each cohort are individuals and promote flexibility in themes to meet the required subject objectives. You can see the range of Scientific concepts taught across the school by reviewing these documents.