Year 2
Phonics and Reading Learning at Home:
Phonics Play - Phonics games & activities
Teach your Monster to Read - DfE recommended Website & App
Oxford Owl - Online e-books & quizzes
ICT Games - Literacy games online
Maths Learning at Home
Mathletics (please contact your class teacher if you cannot find your login)
White Rose Maths Home Learning
BBC Supermovers - Active Maths
Times Table Rockstars - Please contact your class teacher if you would like to have access to this times table resource.
Lessons and games across the curriculum:
Topic Activities:
Inferno Adventure -
The Great Fire of London - The Fire of London Online Game
Dragonology - How to train your dragon - School of Dragons
Hall of Fame -
British Royal Families - BBC Monarchs & Leaders Resources
Famous Author, Anthony Browne - The Shape Game, Anthony Browne
Jungle Fever -
Jungle Explorers- Planet Earth 2 - Jungle VR
Habitats and Micro Habitats- Match the habitat Game