The Governing Body
Below are the pictures of our governing body, to find out more about what they do and what they discuss in their meetings please scroll to the bottom of the page to understand in detail their role and responsibilities.
Should you need to contact the Governing Body for any concerns please direct communication through the school office addressed to the chairs.
Minutes from Governors' meetings
Documents relating to the the governing body
What does the Board of Governors do?
Improve the Quality of Education and Standards of Achievement
Provide a Strategic View
Our school governing body has important powers and duties but limited time and resources. So, it focusses on where it can add most value - that is, helping to decide the school's strategy for improvement so that pupils learn most effectively and achieve the highest standards.
The governing body helps to set, and keep under review, the broad framework within which the Headteacher and staff should run the school. In all its work, the governing body focusses on the key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning.
Act as a “Critical Friend”
The governing body provides the Headteacher and staff with support, advice and information, drawing on its members' knowledge and experience. In these ways the governing body acts as a critical friend to the school.
Critical in the sense of its responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the school’s effectiveness, asking challenging questions, and pressing for improvement.
A friend because it exists to promote the interests of the school.
Ensure Accountability
The governing body is responsible for ensuring good quality education in the school. The Headteacher and staff report to the governing body on the school’s performance. It is not the role of the governors simply to rubber-stamp every decision of the Headteacher.
The governing body has a right to discuss, question and refine proposals – whilst always respecting the professional roles of the Headteacher and other staff, and their responsibility for the management of the school. In its turn the governing body answers for its actions to all its stakeholders and HMI.
Steering Role
The governing body also has a shared vision of the aims of the school; setting a policy on the curriculum, including any requirements for special education needs; setting budgets and approving school development plans; responding to inspection reports and publishing a post-inspection action plan.
- Contribute to the review and approval of school policies.
- Contribute to school planning processes.
- Contribute to setting the school budget.
Executive Role
Our governoring body has direct responsibility for recruitment of senior staff and some disciplinary matters, while recognising the Headteacher's responsibility for managing the school; contributing to the admission policy and appeals system.
- Contribute to decisions on appointment of staff.
- Contribute to decision making on the school's pay and employment policies and procedures.
- Contribute to decision making on the school's admission and exclusion policies and procedures.
- Carry out the Performance Management of the Headteacher and ensure the Performance Management of the SLT is carried out.
Supporting Role
Another vital role of our school governing body is supporting and advising the Headteacher, for example by giving financial management advice.
- Provide the school with support, advice and information.
- Contribute knowledge, skills and expertise to the governing body.
- Promote the interests of the school and its pupils.
Monitoring Role
The governing body ensures that the school adheres to its policies, budgets and plans; keeping informed about the quality and standards of education in the school, including pupil achievement.
- Contribute to monitoring the school development plans, policies and procedures.
- Contribute to monitoring the school budget.
- Contribute to monitoring quality of learning.
- Contribute to monitoring pupils' overall achievement.
Account to Parents
Finally, another key role of our schools governing body is to make sure that parents are kept informed about what is happening in the school and that their views are taken into account.
- Make ourselves available to parents at parents evening at least once a year.
- Demonstrate the governing body's accountability.
- Contribute to the integrity of school governance.
Are you interested in becoming a governor ?
Currently we don't have any Governor vacancies on our governing body. However if you're considering a role on the governing body in the future and would like to know more about being a governor in our school please contact for the attention of the Chair of Governors.
If you wish to make contact with the Governing Body for any reason please contact our Chairperson by writing to:
F.A.O Chair of Governors,
Rowledge School,
School Road,
Rowedge, Farnham,
GU10 4BW