Mathematics is important in everyday life and, with this is mind, the purpose of Mathematics at Rowledge C of E Primary School is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Maths.
Arithmetic and basic maths skills are practised daily to ensure key mathematical concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links between topics in Maths.
The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Our curriculum ensure children apply mastery skills.
The curriculum champion for Maths is Mrs Nicola Earl. To find out more about how Rowledge delivers this subject please contact her using the following email addresses:
Please find further information about our Maths Curriculum below.
Our overview for the planning and delivery of Maths at Rowledge is led by the statutory, National Curriculum guidance and the relevant programmes of study for each year group.
We have aligned a progression of skills and knowledge with the programmes of study for each year group.
The documents below outline this progression and are used when assessing the ongoing progress of pupils.
We regularly conference pupils to gain an awareness of their attitudes to a range of curriculum subjects. Below is a sample of thoughts from a range of pupils about how they feel about the Maths curriculum at Rowledge.
"I think maths is hard but good. It feels really good when you have learnt something that you didn't think you would be able to do."
"Maths can be challenging but I really like it. I like that there are different levels of challenges and that you learn about different areas of maths each unit.
If there is something challenging for you, there are adults that can help you to push yourself"
"It is really good because you can learn lots of tricks to use what you know about number in new areas!
Recently, we learnt about different properties of numbers and about prime numbers."
Below are our Year Group overviews which provide a sense of the curriculum experience children will recieve in each year group. We recognise that each cohort are individuals and promote flexibility in themes to meet the required subject objectives. You can see the range of concepts taught across the school by reviewing these documents.