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Sir Francis Drake was born in either 1541 or 1542 in Tavistock, Devon, England. Drake went on to become one of the most famous men in Elizabethan times. As a sailor, adventurer, navigator, politician, engineer and landowner, he was a legend in his own lifetime.
Among many of his achievements he is perhaps remembered best for his involvement in the Spanish Armada and circumnavigating the globe on his famous World Voyage.
On the 28th January 1596 aboard the Defiance, Sir Francis Drake died of dysentery aged about 55. The next day he was buried at sea in a lead coffin off Puerto Bello to the sound of trumpets and cannons. A brilliant and courageous life had ended.
Where did sir frances grow up
Sir Frances drake was born somtime between 1540 and 1544 in Tavistock,England.His father was minister for the navy and francis grew up near the sea.
sir frances drack was loved by the english but other contries thorght he was a pirate becuase he radded
peoples ships and killed them
Francis Drake married Mary Newman in 1569 . Unfortunatley she died 12 years later. He was vic-comander of the English fleet when he upon the Spanish Armada wich was atemptting to invade England in 1588
Francis Drake was born around 1540-1544 in Devonshire, England. He was like a pirate and traded with slaves until he was chosen to lead an expedition in 1577.
Sir Francis Drake was born sometime around 1540 as the son of a Puritan farmer. Drake taught himself navigation as the navigator of a small merchant vessel early in his career. He also served as an officer aboard a west African slave vessel. In 1567, Drake and his cousin, John Hawkins were attacked by a Spanish ship in the Gulf of Mexico. In around 1572 Drake left England with two ships and 73 sailors.
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