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Amalia earhart was the first women to fly solo across the atlantic. when she was under ten years old she had no intrest what so ever about bein pilote of a plane! she saw her first plane when she was 10 and thought that it was very un-intresting.she was born on the 28th of july 1897. £1.4 m was spent on trying to find amelia earhart she was very popular in the olden days and she still is now!
Ameila Earhart the first women to fly solo across the alantic sea mabey disaperred in the bermuda triangle some people think different but the USA govement serched for 2 weeks but all they could find was nothing so everyone gave up so no one will probley know about amelia's disapperas so no one will ever find probley any clues.
Ameilia Earheart
Ameila Earheart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo (by herself). The route that Ameila took was from America(Newfoundland) to Ireland(Londonderry). Ameila was born on July 24th 1897 in Kansas,United States and died on the 5th of January 1937 on the Pacific Ocean. Ameila's full name is Ameila Mary Earheart. Ameila's mystery dissaperance on the Pafic Ocean left many confused,engaded and sad it will always be a mystery why Ameila died...
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